Desert Walking Meditation

This was a silent desert walking meditation held on December 18, 2019, in preparation for the winter solstice. December 21 is winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, it is a time of ebbing, a time to reflect and a time to recreate yourself. We are approaching the closure of a 10-year cycle and welcoming in a new decade.

Intention of this meditation

This is a perfect time to set new goals and intentions for the coming year, a time to examine and let go of our past that no longer serve us, and to make changes within ourselves. Winter solstice is essentially tied to our individual personal awakening.

On a spiritual level, winter solstice is multi-layered in meaning from every culture since the beginning of time. It is not by chance the symbolic birth of Jesus is just four days after the longest day of darkness, the bringer of inner light, symbolic of the birth of the spiritual sun within.

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